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Official Spokesperson’s response to media queries regarding the float in the Nagar Kirtan parade in Malton, Canada

May 07, 2024

In response to media queries regarding the float in the Nagar Kirtan parade in Malton, Canada, the Official Spokesperson, Shri Randhir Jaiswal said:

"As you are aware, we have repeatedly raised our strong concerns regarding the violent imagery being used by extremist elements in Canada against our political leadership. Last year, a float depicting the assassination of our former Prime Minister was used in a procession. Display of posters of Indian diplomats have also been put out across Canada threatening violence against them.

Celebration and glorification of violence should not be a part of any civilized society. Democratic countries which respect the rule of law should not allow intimidation by radical elements in the name of freedom of expression.

We continue to remain concerned about the security of our diplomatic representatives in Canada and expect the Government of Canada to ensure that they are able to carry out their responsibilities without fear.

We again call upon the Government of Canada to stop providing criminal and secessionist elements a safe haven and political space in Canada.”

New Delhi
May 07, 2024

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