

Visit of H.E. Mr. Park Jin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea to India (April 07-08, 2023)

April 06, 2023

As on 06 April 2023 at 1800 hrs

Friday, 07 April 2023

1445 hrs
Arrive Delhi
Venue: IGI T3
Photo Op: Official Only

1700 hrs
Call on the Vice President
Venue: 6, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi
Photo Op: Official Only

1830 hrs
Meeting with Dr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister
Venue: Hyderabad House
Photo Op: Official Only

Saturday, 08 April 2023

0950 hrs
Emplane for Chennai

Programme in Chennai

2145 hrs

Please note: Media to arrive one hour before each event


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