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Remarks by EAM, Dr. S. Jaishankar during meeting with Foreign Minister of Maldives

May 09, 2024


First of all, let me extend to you and to your delegation a very very warm welcome. This is your first visit to India in your current capacity. And it provides an opportunity to discuss our relationship and chart out future directions.

2. As close and proximate neighbours, the development of our ties is obviously based on mutual interests and reciprocal sensitivity. As far as India is concerned, these are articulated in terms of our Neighbourhood First policy and SAGAR vision. I hope that our meeting today has enabled us to strengthen the convergence of our perspectives in various domains.

3. Excellency, India has been a key provider of development assistance to the Maldives. Our projects have benefited the lives of people of your country; contributed directly to the quality of life. They range from infrastructure projects and social initiatives to medical evacuation and health facilities. We have also extended financial support on favourable terms in the past. India has been a First Responder on numerous occasions for Maldives. Our cooperation has also enhanced the security and well-being of your country through shared activities, equipment provisioning, capacity building and training.

4. Excellency, the world is today passing through a volatile and uncertain period. In such times, as we saw during Covid, during natural disasters and economic difficulties, close partnerships with neighbors are of great value.

5. So, today, we will be reviewing the various dimensions of our ties. It is in our common interest that we reach an understanding on how best we take our relationship forward.

Once again, a very very warm welcome to you and I request you to make your remarks.

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