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India’s National Statement at the Summit of the Future Preparatory Ministerial Meeting

September 22, 2023

We appreciate the efforts of the co-facilitators Namibia and Germany for the Summit of the Future, as it unfolds.

2.​ The United Nations story is mixed. Future must not repeat the failures of the past. Let us envisage a tomorrow that is inclusive and forward looking.

3.​Excellencies, India’s Presidency has ensured that the concerns of the Global South – were placed in the G20 Agenda. The New Delhi Leaders Declaration has covered the FIVE key chapters identified for the Scope of the Summit of the Future.

On Sustainable Development & Financing for Development, we are looking at an ambitious Green Development Pact with an aim to double Climate Finance.

On International Peace and Security, it calls on all states to uphold principles of international law, including respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty in the spirit of One Earth, One Family and One Future.

On Science, Technology and Innovation and Digital Cooperation, we visualise a comprehensive framework for the development, deployment and governance of Systems of Digital Public Infrastructure.

On Youth and Future Generations, it places young people at the heart of the G20 agenda. India’s ‘One Future Alliance’ stands as a testament here.

ON Transforming Global Governance, An unprecedented transformation was Africa’s permanent place in the G20. Where there is political will, multilateralism will reform.

We are confident that the G20 Leaders Declaration will be furthered by the SOTF.

Mr. President,

We welcome SOTF’s aim to deliver a Global Digital Compact to minimize any digital divide. India sees more than 10 billion digital transactions a month. We see Digital Infrastructure as Public, a Global Good, and a Global Common! We have a lot to offer.

India is the world’s largest democracy with majority of its population young. SOTF’s Declaration on Future Generation offers opportunity for meaningful youth engagement, including in the UN system. This engagement must be based on the principle of proportional representation to be truly democratic and equitable.

Mr. President,

The COVID pandemic and the Ukraine conflict between them are upending our multilateral system. Climate finance, double standards on countering terrorism and myopic selectivity in SDG priorities need fixing.

Let us increase stake-holder ship and also enhance the effectiveness and credibility of multilateralism so that people do not lose hope.

The architecture of Global governance in 2025 for the future cannot be written in ink from 1945– which created the UN Security Council - to the victor belong the spoils – and, which has long dried up. SOTF must provide answers on Security Council reforms in a fixed time frame.

The Summit of the Future will be judged on its delivery of reformed multilateralism. It cannot be a Summit of the Past. I thank you.

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