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Transcript of Media Briefing by Official Spokesperson (January 28, 2016)

January 28, 2016

Official Spokesperson (Shri Vikas Swarup): Good evening friends and welcome to the weekly press briefing. I am going to begin with a passport related issue, something that EAM has already tweeted about and we have also put something out in the public domain. But there have been so many queries that I thought I should expand a little bit more on the revolutionary steps that we have taken to further streamline passport delivery.

As you know, External Affairs Minister had announced on the 25th of January on the issue of passports to first time applicants. As you are well aware, the Ministry has always valued service delivery and has laid emphasis on the continuous improvement in our public interface systems. Many of you would have already seen for yourself the transformation in passport services through the Passport Seva project and how much more simpler it is now to get passports. So, this year’s Republic Day gift is a further simplification in these procedures with two significant changes.

The first is that the Ministry has implemented a solution whereby applicants can book their appointment as per their choice. The new provision would allow applicants to choose any appointment date from the earliest five available days, which are of course working days, while scheduling or rescheduling an appointment for passport related services.

Under the old system, as you know, the appointment was assigned by the Passport Seva system based on its availability and on first-in-first-out basis. So, under this system, an applicant fills up his or her personal particulars and pays the requisite fees. He or she will then be redirected to a ‘Pay and Book Appointment’ screen allowing him or her to choose a date from the displayed calendar. The calendar will highlight the latest five days available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra.

The second and more significant set of changes are in the police verification process. Already digital integration of the police districts into the PSP has resulted in the reduction of days taken to complete verification from 49 in 2013 to 34 in 2015. But now under this system, normal passport applications of all first time applicants who furnish three documents - Aadhaar, Electoral Photo Identity Card and a Permanent Account Number or a PAN Card and an affidavit stating their address, citizenship, and swearing that there are no criminal cases pending against them, will be processed on a post-police verification basis without payment of any additional fees, subject to successful online validation of the Aadhaar number. So, basically what this means is that the citizen who has three relevant documents already will be issued passport virtually immediately and the police verification will follow subsequently.

And there is more. The Ministry has also launched an mPassport Police App which allows for police verification to enter the status of verification digitally and in real time, thus cutting down further on the time required for verification.

I think the data speaks for itself on the transformation of passport services. During the year 2015, 1.20 crore passport and related services were rendered by passport offices in India and Indian Missions and Posts abroad. There is an increase of 21 per cent over 2014 in the number of services rendered. As of 31st December 2015, approximately 6.33 crore Indians held valid passports.

I want to point out once again that these changes are not part of any pilot project. Beginning yesterday, these changes have come into effect and the next time any one of you applies for a passport for the first time, you will be able to see the impact for yourself.

That was the announcement I wanted to make. Now I am open for the Q&A.

Question: …(Inaudible)…
Official Spokesperson: We have already issued two press releases. They are available on the website. Please have a look at those.

प्रश्‍न : पिछले 15 तारीख को जब आपने प्रेस कान्‍फ्रेन्‍स की थी तब आपने कहा था कि बहुत ही निकट भविष्‍य में भारत और पाकिस्‍तान के विदेश सचिव जो हैं उनकी बातचीत होगी। तो वह निकट भविष्‍य अब कितनी दूर है ?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : देखिये, अभी-अभी मेरी विदेश सचिव से बात हुई है और अभी भी कोई ऐसी डेट नहीं निकल पाई है जो दोनों साइड्स के लिए कन्विनियन्‍ट हो। तो जैसे ही वह डेट मुकर्रर होती है, हम आपको बतायेंगे।

प्रश्‍न : पाकिस्‍तान के जो उच्‍चायुक्‍त हैं अब्‍दुल बासित साहब, उन्‍होंने एक टेलीविजन चैनल को दिये गये इन्‍टरव्‍यू में फरवरी में वार्ता होने का - अन्‍देशा तो नहीं कहेंगे - सम्‍भावना जताई है। तो उस पर कुछ आपकी तरफ से कहा जायेगा?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : देखिये, सम्‍भावना तो हमेशा रहती है लेकिन डेट पर पहले दोनों साइड्स को एग्री करना होता है न। ऐसी एक म्‍यूचूअली कन्विनियन्‍ट डेट नहीं निकल पाई है। जब निकलेगी तो हम आपको बतायेंगे।

प्रश्‍न : सर, कल रक्षामंत्री ने जो बैलून वाले इन्सिडेन्‍ट पर कहा था कि विदेश मंत्रालय को लिखा है पाकिस्‍तान से इस मामले को उठाने के लिए। क्‍या हमने उठाया है और पाकिस्‍तान का इस पर क्‍या जवाब है?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : रक्षा मंत्रालय ने हमको लिखा है और हम यह मामला पाकिस्‍तान के साथ उठायेंगे।

प्रश्‍न : ईरान का एक ऑफिशियल डेलीगेशन अभी आने वाला है और अभी हाल में ही ईरान के एम्‍बेसडर ने एक इन्‍टरव्‍यू में या किसी से बातचीत में कहा है कि जो ट्रेड पैक्‍ट्स हैं या जो ट्रेड इम्प्लिमेन्‍टेशन के प्रावधान हैं उनमें इण्डिया डिले कर रहा है। So, what is the situation actually?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : देखिये, जहॉं तक चाहबहार की बात हो रही है तो चाहबहार एक ऐसा प्रोजेक्‍ट है जिसको आगे बढ़ाने के लिए हम कटिबद्ध हैं और 150 मिलियन डॉलर की जो राशि है, वह हम ईरान को उसके लिए प्रोवाइड करेंगे और हम बाकी मंत्रालयों के साथ समन्‍वय बना रहे हैं कि जितनी जल्‍दी हो सके, इस प्रोजेक्‍ट को हम आगे बढ़ायें। जब अभी विदेश सचिवों की बातचीत होगी ईरान के साथ, तब इन सभी मुद्दों पर और और भी जो ईरान के साथ हमारे द्विपक्षीय मुद्दे हैं, उन पर बातचीत आगे बढ़ेगी।

Question: Pakistan has offered to send its SIT to probe Pathankot. Is there any date indicated from there?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : मैनें पिछले प्रेस कान्‍फ्रेन्‍स में भी कहा था कि उस इनिशियल प्रपोज़ल के बाद कोई फर्म प्रपोज़ल हमारे पास पाकिस्‍तान की तरफ से नहीं आया है एस.आई.टी. के संदर्भ में।Question: Sir, we have not heard on the Geeta case. Is there any development on that?
आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : गीता, जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, मूक बधिर संस्‍थान इन्‍दौर में है, प्रशिक्षण प्राप्‍त कर रही है। वह बहुत खुश है। अभी 26 जनवरी को ही उसे मुख्‍य अतिथि के रूप में न्‍यौता मिला था और उसने पार्टिसिपेट भी किया ध्‍वजारोहण समारोह में। जहॉं तक उसके माता-पिता को ढूँढने की बात है तो उस पर हमारा प्रयास जारी है। अभी हाल ही में, कुछ दिनों पहले ही, विदेश मंत्री ने बिहार के मुख्‍यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार जी को एक पत्र लिखा है और उस पत्र में उन्‍होंने गीता की जो तस्‍वीर है, जैसे गीता पहले लगती थी, वह तस्‍वीर भेजी है, जो उसकी निशानी है, आइडेन्टिफिकेशन मार्क्‍स हैं, वह भेजा है, गीता ने जिस तरह इंगित किया है कि वह कहॉं की निवासी हो सकती है, वह सब तथ्‍य इकट्ठा करके नीतीश कुमार जी को पत्र लिखा है और उनसे अनुरोध किया है कि यह जो पूरी इन्‍फॉर्मेशन है उसको वह अपने हर डिस्ट्रिक्‍ट में भेजें और डिस्ट्रिक्‍ट से विलेज लेवल तक जाये ताकि जो प्रक्रिया है गीता के परिवारजनों को ढूँढने में, वह प्रक्रिया और भी तेज हो सके और हम जल्‍द से जल्‍द गीता के जो असली परिवारजन हैं, उनको गीता से मिलवाने में सक्षम हो सकें।

प्रश्‍न : सर, इसी केस में जो पाकिस्‍तान ह्यूमन राइट्स एक्टिविस्‍ट हैं अंसार बरनी, he has filed a case in the Sindh High Court saying that India has not proved Geeta’s nationality and that the Foreign Minister …

Official Spokesperson: No. We are totally convinced about Geeta’s nationality. In fact, she was Indian and she strayed into Pakistan and she stayed there at the Edhi Foundation for several years and then she has been returned back to India. So, the question of verification of her nationality does not arise. We are totally convinced that Geeta is a daughter of India.

प्रश्‍न : सर, नेपाल के पी.एम. ने कहा है कि जब तक इण्डिया ब्‍लॉकेड खत्‍म नहीं करेगा, वह इण्डिया को विजिट नहीं करेंगे। तो क्‍या स्थिति है इण्‍डो-नेपाल को लेकर और क्‍या स्‍टैण्‍ड है आपका ?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : जहॉं तक उस पार्टिकुलर कमेन्‍ट की आप बात कर रहे हैं, ऐसा कोई कमेन्‍ट हमने ऑफिशियल चैनल्‍स के माध्‍यम से नहीं देखा है और जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, प्रधानमंत्री ने नेपाल के प्रधानमंत्री श्री के.पी.शर्मा ओली जी को जब कान्‍ग्रेचुलेट किया था जब वह प्रधानमंत्री बने थे अक्‍टॅूबर 2015 में, उस समय ही उनको न्‍यौता दिया था कि वह भारत की यात्रा पर आयें। अब हम लोगों को बताया गया है कि नेपाल के प्रधानमंत्री भारत की यात्रा पर आयेंगे। उसकी जो डेट्स हैं, वे डिप्‍लोमैटिक चैनल्‍स के माध्‍यम से निर्धारित की जायेंगी।

Question: The Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary will be here on Sunday for Foreign Office consultations. Can you shed some light on what will be the agenda for the meeting?

Official Spokesperson: Basically Mr. Shahidul Haque, the Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh will be visiting India, and this will be an opportunity for us to take forward our cooperation with Bangladesh in a number of sectors. You know the number of agreements that were signed during the Prime Minister’s visit to Bangladesh. So, this will be an opportunity for us to really expand our multi-sectoral cooperation with Bangladesh in all those sectors. We will be giving you a more detailed readout closer to the meet.

Question: A lot of detailed information about the six terrorists who were killed in Pathankot - where they were from, what their names were whatever three or four names that were available, there were pictures and also details of intercepts - was given to the Pakistani side. What have we heard from them in these last two weeks?

Official Spokesperson: As you know, there has been continuous communication between the two Governments. We have provided them with actionable intelligence and we have also provided them with a lot of information. You would have seen the comments made by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also on this matter. Beyond that, I have nothing further to comment.

Question: …(Inaudible)… Foreign Secretary level talk lies in India’s court. Are we considering dates in the second week of February?

Official Spokesperson: As I said, it is not a question of whether we are considering dates in February or March or April. As soon as the two Foreign Secretaries agree on a mutually convenient date, we will let you know. As of now, we do not have a mutually convenient date.

Question: As and when the Foreign Secretary level talks take place, how much in depth will the two FSs get into the subject specifics of terror? Will it be an issue that will be handled, the specifics I mean regarding Pathankot and other issues, by the NSAs? Or will our FS raise this issue in great detail? Could you shed some light on this please?

Official Spokesperson: The agreement that was reached when EAM had visited Pakistan was very clear that the two Foreign Secretaries will meet to decide on the schedule and the modalities of the comprehensive bilateral dialogue, and it was also agreed that the terror track would be handled by the National Security Advisers as part of that dialogue. However, after that, as you know, Pathankot has intervened. So, I do expect that as and when the Foreign Secretary level talks are scheduled, Foreign Secretary will certainly take up the issue of the Pathankot terrorist attack.

प्रश्‍न : पाकिस्‍तान को लेकर ही सवाल है। आपने कहा कि तारीख अभी म्‍यूचुअली एग्रीयेबल नहीं हो पाई है। क्‍या केवल तारीख फिक्‍स करने को लेकर ही दिक्‍कत है या ऐसी स्थिति नहीं आई है जिसमें बातचीत हो? आधि‍कारिक

प्रवक्‍ता : मैनें कब ऐसा कहा है? मैनें कहा है कि अभी दोनों देशों के विदेश सचिवों के बीच में ऐसी कोई तारीख नहीं निकल पाई है जिस पर दोनों मंजूरी दे सकें।

प्रश्‍न : इसके पीछे क्‍या स्थितियां ऐसी हैं?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : यह तो फिर आपका फर्टाइल इमेजिनेशन है कि क्‍या स्थितियां हैं। जहॉं तक मैं कह रहा हूँ, अभी तक म्‍यूचुअली कन्विनियेन्‍ट डेट इन द वेरी नीयर फ्यूचर नहीं निकल पाई है। जब निकलेगी तो हम आपको इत्‍तला कर देंगे।

Question: Do you have any information to share on the writer Mr. Sreekumar Varma who is missing in Senegal?

Official Spokesperson: This is a sensitive and delicate case. The Ministry is working in close coordination with our Mission in Senegal. I do not think it would be wise for me to comment any further on this particular matter.

Question: Some days back, you welcomed the amendment in Nepal. Yet, today we are hosting some of the civil society figures of Nepal and one of them is a separatist. So, what sort of a conflicting message is being sent from here?

Official Spokesperson: There is no conflicting message. You have seen very clearly what we have said in our statements. We have said that we welcome the passage of the two amendments. We believe this is part of a process. The Madhesis, as you know, have other demands as well and we hope that both sides will address those demands also in a spirit of flexibility and compromise. We, of course, maintain contacts across the Nepalese political spectrum. We do not take any sides in this particular matter. Our one and only desire is to see a peaceful, stable and prosperous Nepal and for Nepal to resolve the internal political differences at the earliest by, as I said, engaging in a dialogue in a genuine spirit of flexibility and compromise.

Question: The Government is looking to move on from the Mumbai attacks. At least that was the case until Pathankot happened. But would you like to react to what happened yesterday in Pakistan - the fact that Pakistani said to have rejected the Government’s petition seeking voice samples of 26/11 accused?

Official Spokesperson: We have seen those media reports that you are referring to. But we have not received any word on this through official channels - on the voice samples and things like that. We have said before that we see the Mumbai attack trial in Islamabad as a test of Pakistan’s sincerity in combating terrorism directed against India. The planning, training and financing of the Mumbai terrorist attacks was done in Pakistan where 99 per cent of the evidence is. It is Pakistan’s responsibility to unearth and present the requisite evidences in the ongoing trial so that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Question: Is there any development to rescue the 25 Indian fishermen who are detained by the Iran navy?

Official Spokesperson: Yes. According to current indication, they have been lodged in a jail in Kish. We have sought consular access to all of them. So far we have not been granted that consular access.

प्रश्‍न : ये जो भारतीय सीमा में बैलून पाकिस्‍तान की ओर से आये, क्‍या आपको लगता है कि भारत की ओर से संबंध सुधारने की तमाम कोशिश के बावजूद पाकिस्‍तान की ओर से भड़काऊ कार्रवाई हो रही है?

आधिकारिक प्रवक्‍ता : मैनें टिप्‍पणी की है कि हम लोग पाकिस्‍तान के साथ इस मुद्दे को उठायेंगे। उसके बियॉण्‍ड अभी मैं और कुछ इस पर कहना नहीं चाहता।

I think with that we have exhausted all the questions. Thank you all.

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